• Very disappointed compared to previous ones

    • Accuracy in measurements
    • Battery life
    • Sufficient number of features
    • Comfort
    • Value for money
    • Easy-to-read screen
    • Material quality
  • Very good camera but always in combination with the solar panel solar 26 with 30€ cost so it doesn't sit and charge because it needs in a moderate use a week with 10 days at most while with the panel you get rid of it as long as the sun hits it for at least an hour but strong from 11:00 to 3:00 in the afternoon is enough to charge the battery and something always writes 100% charged

    • Ease of installation
    • Image clarity (day)
    • Image range
    • Construction quality
    • Value for money
    • Image clarity (night)
  • Good price at 27 solar 2 and the others that have 30 or 50€ are exactly the same after all it is the solar 2 it is powerful charges the camera and keeps it at 100% even with an hour of midday sun prefer it and relax from recharging the camera

    • Construction quality
    • Effectiveness
    • Value for money
  • Strong starts from 26€ to 55€ everyone sells the solar 2 on the site may look different and larger model but when you look individually in the store you will see that they sell the same so I got fooled and I ordered a more expensive one to get the bigger one but in the end I still got the solar 2 it is very good prefer the stores that have it at 26 to 27€. it is exactly the same in some it is black and in some it is white nothing changes it is the same model just needs one hour a day if you see it at noon sun vertically to keep the camera battery at 100% it has an Italian base which is very sturdy and has a strap if you want to place it on a column or tree I highly recommend it to me the sun hits it for an hour from 12:00 to 1:00 in the afternoon and keeps the battery at 100%

    • Construction quality
    • Effectiveness
    • Value for money
  • Easy installation wide-angle lens very good for indoor use if it is a hallway because the wide-angle only works sideways you can turn it 90 degrees and cover the entire hallway it works better

    • Ease of installation
    • Image clarity (day)
    • Image range
    • Construction quality
    • Value for money
    • Image clarity (night)
  • Good camera easy installation combination with solar panel sole 2 is the best solution so you don't have to charge it every week or at most 10 days but it needs to be placed in a spot where you can see it at least one hour a day noon sun otherwise it doesn't make sense you won't charge it around 80€ it has a camera and around 26 to 30€ it has the panel 2 is compatible specific camera of the same company

    • Ease of installation
    • Image clarity (day)
    • Image range
    • Construction quality
    • Value for money
    • Image clarity (night)
  • Easy to install but needs to be combined with a solar panel, otherwise the battery lasts at most one week with moderate use. The panel needs to be hit by the sun's rays vertically for at least one hour a day to keep the battery for moderate use. Panel 2 is the one compatible with this specific camera

    • Ease of installation
    • Image clarity (day)
    • Image range
    • Construction quality
    • Value for money
    • Image clarity (night)
  • a cheap product that is not worth its money does not remove stains at all. I tried it in both hot and lukewarm water but it is unacceptable. It's a waste of money, I will not buy it again. There is also a problem with the quantity, what others write is different from what it actually has when we receive it

    • Effectiveness
    • Value for money
  • Author KL-252

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