Scientific Books

2518 products
  1. Humankind, a Hopeful History
  2. All about Love
  3. Why we Can't Wait
  4. How to Be Animal
  5. Europe Unequal, Regional Integration and the Rise of European Inequality
  6. Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη Κοινωνία Και Ομάδες Συμφερόντων
  8. Privatisations In Greece: The End Of The Road?
  9. Down Girl, The Logic of Misogyny
  10. Aspects of Meaning-making Through Translation
  11. The Little Black Book Violence
  12. Women, Art, and Society
  13. Research Design, Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches
  14. The Queer Parent
  15. A Leg to Stand On
  16. Contemporary Issues in Sociology of Sport
  17. Sex And/or Marriage in Olde Greece, A Semi Hysterical Discourse on Ancient Intercourse
  18. The Status Game, On Human Life and How to Play it
  19. On Fire, the Burning Case for a Green New Deal
  20. The Unteachables, Disability Rights and the Invention of Black Special Education
  21. Human Frontiers, The Future of Big Ideas in an Age of Small Thinking
  22. The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion
  23. The Return of Resentment, The Rise and Decline and Rise Again of a Political Emotion
  24. This won't Hurt, How Medicine Fails Women
  25. The Cost of Sexism
  26. Social Issues in Esports
  27. In Search of Mycotopia
  28. The Bonobo Sisterhood
  29. This Is the Way the World Ends
  30. Capital, The Eruption of Delhi
  31. After the Postcolonial Caribbean
  32. Dirty Work, Essential Jobs and the Hidden Toll of Inequality
  33. Riot. Strike. Riot
  34. The Plague Year
  35. Evidence
  36. The Nazi Doctors, Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide
  37. Hikikomori, Adolescence without End
  38. Native American Myths
  39. How to be Gay
  40. The Poetics of Cruising
  41. Sociology An Introduction And Beyond
  42. Indifference to Difference
  43. Still Mad, American Women Writers and the Feminist Imagination
  44. Trans, Gender Identity and the New Battle for Women's Rights
  45. How to be an Antiracist
  46. Boys will be Boys, Power, Patriarchy and Toxic Masculinity
  47. Unwell Women, A Journey Through Medicine and Myth in a Man-Made World
  48. Sedated, How Modern Capitalism Created our Mental Health Crisis
  49. The Patient Revolution, How we can Heal the Healthcare System
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