Do you often feel bloated? The 7 most common reasons

Do you often feel bloated? The 7 most common reasons

It may have happened to you to feel bloated, even if you haven't consumed much food. Bloating in the stomach is something that can affect all of us at some point in our lives for many different reasons.

The most common reasons this can happen are:

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Anxiety, stress, psychological pressure
  • Constipation
  • Food intolerance or sensitivity
  • Air swallowing (chewing gum, smoking, etc.)
  • Side effects from medication
  • Pathological causes (inflammation, disease, etc.)

Certainly, the best way to deal with it is to identify what causes the bloating in order to correct it. If it is something that happens to you systematically, then it is important to talk to your doctor to rule out any pathological causes.

Some tips that can help you manage the symptoms are:

  • Start keeping a food diary to identify if a specific food bothers you.
  • Make sure you drink enough water daily.
  • Reduce processed foods that contain zero-calorie sweeteners, such as aspartame and maltitol, and foods that contain thickeners.
  • Consume foods that aid digestion and intestinal motility. For example, ginger, peppermint, and chamomile.
  • Gradually increase the amount of dietary fiber in your diet and include foods that are rich in probiotics and prebiotics.
  • Finally, try to incorporate exercise into your routine. Regular exercise has been proven to be beneficial for the microbiome.

"A supplement that will help you"

Meke Anti-Cholest Lemon Verbena & Apple Cider Vinegar Supplement for Weight Loss 100ml

The Louisa is one of the most renowned medicinal herbs in the world.

It contributes to weight loss, fat burning, combating fluid retention, and reducing cellulite.

It helps increase metabolism rate and address gas, bloating, and constipation. It provides a sense of relaxation and well-being, addressing the nervousness and tension caused by any dieting efforts.

The Apple Cider Vinegar is considered an ideal and safe natural ingredient for burning excess fat and an ally in combating obesity and local fat. It helps increase metabolism rate and fights fluid retention in the body. It significantly reduces appetite while also aiding digestion.

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