Baby Carriers: Buying Guide for New Parents

The Choice

The type of baby carrier you choose plays an important role, as it should meet both your needs and those of the baby (age, weight, and any health issues).

Before making a purchase, we recommend consulting your pediatrician, especially if there are reasons why you should avoid using it.

There are 4 main types of baby carriers.

1. Classic Baby Carrier

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It has shoulder straps and a comfortable "seat" for the baby. It can be worn either in front of the chest or on the back. When the baby is small, they should face your chest, and when they can support their head, around 6 months, they can face the other way.


  • It is shaped like a bag, which is convenient when you are out for long hours, and it can be worn in front or on the back!
  • By loosening the straps and lowering the baby to chest level, you can easily breastfeed.
  • It is relatively easy to wear, as once the baby sits, you just need to secure the fastenings.
  • Some of these carriers have small pockets for pacifiers or other small items.


  • If both parents use it, you will need to adjust the straps each time.
  • If the baby is heavy and sits in front, there is a possibility of strain on your waist and shoulders from the weight and straps.
  • They are usually made of thick and synthetic material, which makes them less ideal for summer.

Baby Weight: Up to 9 kg (some can hold up to 20 kg).

2. Ring Sling

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A flexible fabric baby carrier with special rings for easy adjustment to the baby's size. It is ideal for breastfeeding!


  • It is easy to tie and only requires small adjustments each time you wear it.
  • The way it adjusts is quite simple, and there are various convenient positions for the baby (front, back, or hip).
  • It is extremely convenient if you choose it for breastfeeding. Just loosen it a bit and turn it towards your chest.
  • It can be easily washed in the washing machine.


  • If worn for long hours, it can cause fatigue as the weight falls on one shoulder.
  • It is not particularly convenient as the baby grows and gets heavier.

Baby Weight: Up to 15 kg.

3. Wrap

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It consists of a piece of soft fabric. It is suitable for use from the very first day, as it can be adjusted to the baby's size and can be tied in many different ways.


  • With this, you can easily breastfeed in all positions.
  • You can adjust how tight you want it and find the position that suits you both!
  • If worn correctly, it distributes the weight on both shoulders and is very comfortable for long walks!


  • It takes time and practice to learn how to tie it correctly in a way that is comfortable and safe for both you and the baby. You can find many online videos with tips and tying methods that will help you.

Baby weight: Up to 15 kg

4. Mei Tai

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The Mei Tai baby carrier has a design inspired by the traditional way of carrying children in the Far East countries.


Thanks to its ergonomic design, the baby is in the correct position that ensures the support and healthy development of the spine and hips. The specially designed cushion of the baby carrier supports and protects the baby's head. It has reinforced shoulder straps for easy and stable tying, either in front of the chest or on the back, as a backpack.


It takes many trials to find the right position that will be comfortable for both your baby and you.

Baby weight: Up to 15 kg

Proper Use

With the proper use and placement of the baby carrier, you will feel more comfortable and less tired!

Read the instructions carefully and pay attention to the advice of the pediatrician or babywearing experts.

If the baby is a newborn, you should make sure that you have chosen a baby carrier that properly supports their head and body. It is very important for their safety and development.


The UK Sling Manufacturers & Retailers Consortium describes with the acronym T.I.C.K.S the important points to check when buying and using a baby carrier.


T: Tight A tight and secure tie that "hugs" without putting pressure on the baby. It should be tied to you in such a way that you move as one unit. If the fabric is loose, the baby does not have the correct position and may not breathe well.

I: In View at All Times You should have direct visual contact with the baby's face, just by looking downwards. The baby's face should not be covered with fabric.

C: Close Enough to Kiss The baby's head should be close enough to yours, so with a slight bend of your neck, you can kiss their forehead or the top of their head.

K: Keep Chin off the Chest The baby's chin should not be pressed against their chest, limiting their breathing. This indicates that they have been placed incorrectly in the carrier or not tied properly. Make sure there is always at least one finger's space below their chin.

S: Supported Back The baby should be comfortably and closely placed against the parent, so that their back has its natural position. If the baby carrier sling is worn too loosely, it forces the baby to hunch and can partially close their airway. To check that the back is properly supported, place a hand on your baby's back while they are in the sling and gently press. The back should not lose its curve or come closer.


A baby carrier sling will make your daily life easier, as you will have your hands free. But that's not all!

Calms the baby

It feels the warmth of your body, the beats of your heart, and your movement when you walk.

Contributes to their development

The baby observes the environment, sees the world like you do, and fills with images and stimuli!

Aids in breastfeeding

The right baby carrier sling will "bring" you to the right height. After research, scientists concluded that using a sling on healthy full-term infants during their first month of life is associated with increased frequency and total duration of breastfeeding.

More contact, more "together" ❤️

A baby carrier sling brings you closer, creating a stronger bond between you, which will help you recognize hunger and tiredness signs in a timely manner!

A baby carrier sling will literally free your hands, allowing you to do many things with your baby! You will also create strong bonds with them. Bonds that will promote their development.

Take some extra time to find the right one, and from us, happy strolling!