Scientific Books

17 products
  1. Python for Engineers and Scientists, Concepts and Applications
  2. Commercial Design Using Autodesk Revit 2023
  3. Machine Learning on Commodity Tiny Devices, Theory and Practice
  4. The Shock of the Old , Technology and Global History since 1900
  5. Electrical And Mechanical Engineering
  6. Electronics All-in-One For Dummies
  7. Encyclopedia of Electronic Components V3
  8. How to Do Things with Sensors
  9. Pipe Dreams, Secret Diaries of a Neighbourhood Plumber
  10. Digital Twin for Healthcare, Design, Challenges and Solutions
  11. The Darkness Manifesto
  12. Electronics For Dummies
  13. Statics For Dummies
  14. Mechanics of Materials For Dummies
  15. Why Buildings Fall Down, How Structures Fail
  16. Predictive Control for Linear and Hybrid Systems
  17. The Darkness Manifesto