The history of the Rubik's Cube!

The history of the Rubik's Cube!

I don't know how to write this number in words, but these are exactly the possible configurations that a Rubik's cube can have!

So let's see about this challenging, colorful puzzle in the form of a cube (this post has fewer than 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 words, I promise)

The cube of Rubik was invented around 1970 by the Hungarian sculptor and architecture professor Ernő *drums please for the revelation of his last name* Rubik!

Rubik, therefore, wanted to create a device with a rotating mechanism that would allow the movement of its pieces without the need for them to be disassembled! So he creates this cube and at some point when he had confused it and had to restore it to its original form, he realized that he had created a puzzle!

He patents this invention and names it "Magic Cube"! Yes, that's what it was called at first until 1980! However, it was renamed to Rubik's Cube because the phase "Magic Cube" referred to black magic!

A Rubik's Cube has:

  • Six colored sides
  • 21 pieces
  • 54 external surfaces

The inventor of the Rubik's Cube himself is not a very good solver! When he first made it, it took him a month to solve it! So, even though 40 years have passed since then, he still needs at least a minute to solve it (while there are some who solve it in seconds, you know!)

So if you're struggling to solve it, I don't want you to be disappointed! THE GUY WHO INVENTED IT STRUGGLES TOO! (I struggle to solve even the puzzles that come as a gift with the ice cream caramel!)

Currently, the world record for the Rubik's Cube is held by Yusheng Du, who managed to solve it in 3.47 seconds!

In 2016, a guy solved the cube in 2 minutes and 21 seconds WITH HIS EYES CLOSED (not "metaphorically closed", that was Nicole Kidman).

Cool Fact 

In 1981, a 12-year-old boy wrote an entire book of strategies for the Rubik's Cube and it became a best seller!

Up until now, over 350 million Rubik's Cubes have been sold worldwide!