The first car that managed to reach 100 km/h

The first car that managed to reach 100 km/h

Did you know that electric vehicles are not a new invention? They first appeared around 1830, long before gasoline-powered ones! So it's not surprising that the first vehicle to exceed a speed of 100 km/h was electric!

This record belongs to Belgian speed driver Camille Jenatzy, the "Red Devil" as they called him on the track! 

Camille had studied engineering and generally loved speed and electric cars, which at that time had started to appear on the market!

So he opened a factory and set out to build his own cars, with the aim of breaking the previous speed record, which was 92.78 km/h..

AND HE DID IT! He built a lightweight car shaped like a torpedo and with electric motors, and on April 29, 1899, he took it to the road, stepped on the gas - I imagine - and made his dream come true! 


He named this car "La Jamais Contente", which roughly translates to "The Unsatisfied"! Now *why* he named it that, don't ask me! The gossipers, however, said it was a dig at his wife..

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