Are the books of BOOKTOK worth it?

Are the books of BOOKTOK worth it?

5 suggestions to fill your list.

As we all know, Tik Tok has skyrocketed since the quarantine period and has influenced users in various topics. From fashion, to cooking, to cosmetics, to skincare, etc.

The category that has influenced me and other readers the most is the booktok, which is the community of books!

A question that I often receive, as I read many books throughout the year, is whether all the books from booktok are worth the hype they have.

The answer is obviously no!

But I won't hide from you that because of booktok, I have read many gems, so I thought of saving you from the endless search on TikTok by giving you 5 recommendations that are definitely worth it.

(Of course, there will be a part 2 at some point because I have more recommendations)

So let's see them:

(1) "The Song of Achilles" by Madeline Miller from Dioptra Publications

Το Τραγούδι του Αχιλλέα, Anniversary Edition

Whether you are familiar with The Song of Achilles or not, the 10th anniversary is a perfect opportunity to read an enjoyable read that went viral.

The new Anniversary Edition features enriched content:

  • Includes the entire short story "Galateia" by author Madeline Miller
  • Special introduction by the author for the Greek audience and a note on the 10 years since the book's publication
  • Discussion topic suggestions for further conversation with other readers and a detailed presentation of the author's second book, Circe

Have you heard the whisper of the forest on an autumn night? Have you been sung about war and love? Have you ever touched the body of a demigod with your fingers?

The young Patroclus disappoints his father and is exiled to the court of the king of Phthia. There he grows up in the shadow of the dazzling Achilles, who has the power to change the lives of those around him and according to prophecies, will become the best of the Greeks.

The two boys become friends and are sent to apprentice in the cave of the legendary teacher Chiron. There, their relationship blossoms and they swear to stay together forever, but the Fates have woven their own plan.

Messenger angels bring the message that a prince from Troy has stolen the most beautiful woman in the world. Now the kings must wash away the shame and to do that, they need Achilles' spear and shield.

The hero knows that to achieve immortality, the price will be heavy, but he believes that a song can deceive even the gods.

The greatest love story has just begun.

Yes, I think those who were browsing on TikTok three years ago definitely saw this book. It was probably being read by everyone during that period. You saw it everywhere abroad, along with Circe, another book by the author. 

But when a book becomes so famous, it makes you a little anxious because if you don't like it, you'll be completely disappointed.

I have to tell you, it was wonderful. It beautifully combined the romantic element with the (altered) history, and even though at first I didn't understand why everyone was so excited, the last pages left me in tears, and as I closed it, I knew I would think about it for a long time. 

It essentially revolves around the love of Achilles and Patroclus, and the evolution of their lives when the Trojan War breaks out.

Miller, with her wonderful lyrical writing, weaves a new story, different from the one we have known for so many years, making readers connect with the characters, feel moved, angry, laugh, and cry.

So, from me, it's a yes.

(2) The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, V.E. Schwab by Selini Publications

Η Αθέατη Ζωή της Άντρι Λάρι

France, 1714. In a moment of desperation, a young girl makes a deal with the devil. She will live forever, but at a price: anyone who knows her will forget her the moment they meet her. And so begins the adventurous and paradoxical life of Andy Larie. As a new woman, she travels across continents and centuries, exploring art and history, pushing the limits of what she is capable of in order to leave her mark on the world. But everything will change, almost 300 years later, when Andy unexpectedly meets a young man in a remote bookstore, and he will not forget her name.

Imagine being free, doing whatever you want, living for many years without any problem, taking countless trips and experiencing a variety of cultures.

Perfect, right?

Now imagine having all of that, with a small price. No one remembers you. When you meet someone, you talk, say goodbye, and they forget about you. No matter how many times they see you, they will forget you.

This is Andy's life. From 1714 until now, she has been living freely, 300 years on Earth, doing whatever her heart desires, but alone, without anyone even knowing her name.

"If a person cannot leave a mark of their presence, do they really exist?"

Until one day, she enters a bookstore, and someone tells her, "I remember you."

We are definitely talking about an original book, at least I haven't read anything similar, with wonderful descriptive writing that creates the most vivid images. Of course, it also has a love story, while the events alternate between present and past, increasing the suspense.

If you are looking for a more unique fantasy book, this is the one.

(3) Daisy Jones and the Six, Taylor Jenkins Reid, from Aeolos Publications

Daisy Jones And the Six
from 11,38 €

Everyone knows Daisy Jones and the Six. Their records played on every turntable, their concerts filled stadiums across America, and their sound defined the '70s. And then, on July 12, 1979, at the height of their fame, the band announced their breakup. No one has ever known why, until now. All that is certain is that when Daisy Jones stepped barefoot onto the Whisky stage, something had changed for the band... Here you will find the story of the incredible rise and fall of Daisy Jones and the Six. Ambitions, desires, disappointments, and, of course, music. Everyone was there, but everyone remembers it differently. This is the captivating new novel by Taylor Jenkins Reid, author of "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo," in which she tells the unbelievable story of the legendary '70s rock band, Daisy Jones and the Six. The great publishing success has also led to its expected adaptation into a mini-series, co-produced by Reese Witherspoon.

If you know the author, you may wonder why I didn't choose her most famous book titled "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo". Although I really liked that one, I have a weakness for Daisy Jones & The Six, and I will explain why. 

The story follows a band in the 70s, from the beginning of their career, to their huge success, and ultimately their downfall.

You can't imagine how much I loved this book. First of all, the fact that the band is not real, I still haven't accepted it. It is so realistically written, so vivid, so descriptive. You dive right in and can't let go.

It is very easy to read, can be comfortably finished in a few days, and it is written in the form of interviews as it is supposed to be a documentary. That alone makes it so original in my eyes! 

Also, it touches on many social issues, some of which are drugs, alcohol, and generally the decisions we make in our lives.

Are the books of BOOKTOK worth it?

Note: This year it was the turn of Sam Claflin & Riley Keough, and I must admit that it is one of the best series I have seen, while remaining 100% faithful to the book. If you haven't been interested in the book (which is wrong but okay), at least watch the series!

(4) Girl in Pieces, Kathleen Glasgow by Metaichmio Publishing

Διαλυμένο Κορίτσι
from 16,43 €

H Charlotte Davis is shattered. At seventeen, she has lost more than most people lose in a lifetime. But she has learned how to forget. Broken glass sweeps away the sadness and leaves only tranquility behind. She doesn't need to think about her father and the river. Your best friend, forever lost. Or your mother, who has nothing left to offer you.

Every new scar hardens Charlie's heart a little more, and yet it still hurts a lot. It hurts enough that she no longer cares, something that sometimes needs to happen before you can find your way back from the edge.

A deeply moving portrait of a girl in a world that owes her nothing, and has taken so much from her, and her journey to heal. Kathleen Glasgow's debut is truly heartbreaking and fearless in its honesty. It is a story that will not let you leave it behind.

One of my favorite books for this year was The Girl in Pieces. Despite the endless videos I had seen on TikTok saying how powerful it is, I had my doubts, and fortunately I was wrong. 

The story follows 17-year-old Charlotte, who is forced to leave the clinic for self-harmers where she was being treated, and finds herself alone in a world that has not treated her well and she does not know who to trust.

It is a book about mental disorders and self-harm tendencies, which I believe if you can handle, is definitely worth it.

I won't talk much more about this particular book since I have dedicated a separate article solely for this book.

(5) Crescent City [House of Earth and Blood], Sarah J. Maas, by Dioptra Publishing

Ο Οίκος της γης και του Αίματος, Crescent City

Bound by blood.

Driven by desire.

Free from destiny.

Bryce Quinlan was the soul of Crescent City, partying all night in clubs with a crowd of fae, shifters, and mutants.
And suddenly a demon killed her best friends, leaving her alone in a hostile world.

Two years later, the convicted murderer is behind bars, but the killings start again.
The city's leaders order Bryce to assist in the investigation.
They send a fallen angel, Hunt Athalar, to make sure she does.
As Bryce tries to uncover the truth - and resist the attraction she feels for the brooding angel who has become her shadow - she ends up following a path that will lead her to her own dark past.

Now that I see the cursor blinking, I wonder how I will manage to convey to you in words how wow (sorry, but it really was wow) I found this book.

I don't often read fantasy books, last year I started discovering the world of fantasy and honestly, I don't know why I didn't do it earlier.

I am quite familiar with the writing and overall style of Sarah J. Maas, as I had loved her series titled Thorns and Roses.

  • Αγκάθια και Τριαντάφυλλα

    Αγκάθια και Τριαντάφυλλα

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  • Οργή και ομίχλη

    Οργή και ομίχλη

    from 15,32 €
  • Φτερά και ερείπια

    Φτερά και ερείπια

    from 15,32 €

The Crescent City, on the other hand, was completely different. It perfectly blended the fantasy with the elements of the detective genre, creating a new world that captivated the reader. I admit that the first 100 pages might confuse you as it introduces new characters and builds the world, but I promise you will love it afterwards.

At the end, chaos ensues, and I cried at three different points and had some mind-blowing moments with the plot twists! It's a classic pattern of the author to create panic in the last 200 pages.

I don't want to give away too much about the plot, just know that Bryce, along with the fallen angel Hunt, assists in a murder investigation, searching for a demon.

Trust me, it's an amazing book, don't let the size intimidate you.

The sequel will be released on 8/11 and I can't wait.

Note: According to the author and other readers, it's better to read the other series first and then this one, but you do you!

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