How Halloween started

How Halloween started

Celebrated every year on the night of October 31st, but when did it start?

The word Halloween is an abbreviation of "All Hallows Evening", which means the evening before the feast of All Saints, which is on November 1st.

Short historical overview

Halloween is an evolution of the ancient Celtic festival Samhain, which was celebrated at the end of the summer season and the beginning of winter. The Celts believed that the spirits of the dead returned to the world of the living, and this festival included festive ceremonies, traditions, and superstitions.

Over the centuries, the Halloween celebration was adopted by Americans, and there it evolved into what we know today, namely a day of costumes, cheerful parades, and treats of sweets for children and adults.

How Halloween started

The tradition of the pumpkin

The tradition of the pumpkin, which is a symbol of this celebration, has its roots in Irish folklore and is related to the story of a pilgrim named Jack.

If you don't want to make them yourself, but you want to get into the Halloween spirit, find them here!

How Halloween started

The history of "Trick or Treat"

Around 2,000 years ago, the Celts believed that on the night of October 31st, the spirits of the dead returned to Earth. So, people would gather, light fires, and make sacrifices to honor the friendly spirits, those of their loved ones. At the same time, they had to somehow drive away or appease the evil spirits. So, they either set up large tables with food and left plates outside their homes for them to feast on, or dressed up to scare them away.

While the roots of trick-or-treating can be found in Europe, today it is in our consciousness as a purely American custom.

In fact, an impressive statistic about the celebration of the custom in our days is that one quarter of all the sweets sold during a year in America are purchased during Halloween!

How Halloween started

The Famous Halloween Parties

Of course, children are not the only ones celebrating Halloween. Since 1920, the celebration of the "day of the dead" has become a big part of adults' lives, who consider it the perfect party time. This tradition has led to the so-called Halloween Parties, which are becoming increasingly popular even in Greece.

If you want to join the wild celebrations and organize an unforgettable party, you will need to find a costume, equip yourself with the appropriate decorations, find easy recipes for salty and sweet snacks, and of course organize the right music playlist to ensure the fun!

However, if you don't like parties but still want to get into the spirit, we have the best horror movies to watch on Halloween night, or even books that will take you to the world of the dead!

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