Ice packs were invented thanks to a boot!

Ice packs were invented thanks to a boot!

STORY TIME! Rubber ice packs were invented in 1933 by Lloyd Groff Copeman!

In a meal with his colleagues, he remembered a story he told them (probably to break the ice) about a time when he went out with his rubber boots in the snow!

He noticed that instead of sticking to the boots, the ice easily peeled off them, taking shape! So he started making various ice molds, either metallic with rubber dividers or completely made of rubber! With the same logic that the ice didn't stick to the rubber boot, it wouldn't stick to the rubber ice cubes either and could easily come out and be ready for use!

However, single-use ice packs (the ones that are like plastic bags that I find very uncomfortable) were invented in 1978 by Danish Erling Vangendal-Nielsen! One evening, when he was with his friends, they needed more ice than could fit in the plastic ice packs. So he takes a plastic bag, fills it with water, puts it in the freezer, and then crushes the ice with a hammer (we've done those too, Erling)! From there, the idea of ​​making plastic containers with separate dividers for ice cubes came to him!

Because it's kind of inconvenient to have to take out a hammer every time you want to drink a homemade mojito!!!

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