10 things that didn't exist 50 years ago!

10 things that didn't exist 50 years ago!

Sometimes we may feel that time passes slowly (and that our day off always takes a long time to come), but for human history, 50 years is a VERY SHORT PERIOD OF TIME!

And yet, the evolution of technology is so rapid now that we often don't realize how many things we enjoy that our parents possibly DID NOT HAVE! 

So let's see some things that were invented AFTER 1970! 

  • The pocket computer, CDs, DVDs, and MP3 players (isn't it strange that even though they are so recent, we already consider them almost obsolete?)
  • Microprocessors (and by extension many other things in the form we know them, as microprocessors are used in COUNTLESS devices, from computers and phones to coffee machines and POS systems)
  • Space stations (the first space station in human history, Salyut 1, was launched in 1971!)
  • Game consoles (and therefore the games we've played on the PlayStation and other consoles)
  • The GPS (initially created for military use, later made available for commercial purposes AND IT HAS SAVED MY LIFE!)
  • Satellite television (satellite channels always had the best documentaries)
  • Laptops (I'm writing this on one right now!)
  • Mobile phones (or the extension of our hand now..)
  • The World Wide Web (where our online bookstore "resides"!)
  • mRNA vaccines (yes, like the ones developed for COVID)