National Gardening Day: tips to become a successful gardener

National Gardening Day: tips to become a successful gardener

On April 14th, World Gardening Day is celebrated worldwide, established by Cool Springs Press in 2018, with the aim of raising awareness and encouraging children and adults to engage in topics related to nature and home gardening. April 14th is a great opportunity to get involved in gardening, you don't need to have the gardens of Versailles, not even a garden, a corner on the balcony or inside our house is more than enough!

National Gardening Day: tips to become a successful gardener

Start from scratch

Gardening can be a very creative and relaxing activity, but it is perfectly natural to feel overwhelmed as a beginner. There are some safety tips that can help you get started. 

  1. Choose plants and flowers carefully: Choose plants and flowers that are suitable for the climate and conditions of your garden. Look for plants that are easy to care for and fit your lifestyle. 

  2. Think practically: In addition to aesthetics, you should also consider the functionality of the space. Find plants that can improve the conditions and environment without creating problems, such as growing excessively and limiting your space.  

  3. Soil & Water: Before you start digging, you should carefully check the composition of the soil and consult a specialist to find the right fertilizer. Additionally, you should learn about the amount of water each plant needs.  

  4. The necessary tools: Like in any job, gardening requires some basic tools that will facilitate your movements. Of course, these will be adjusted according to the needs and size of your field of action.

Gardening Tools

No martini no party, so let's see the basic tools you will need before you start and along the way of your new hobby.

  1. Trowel

  2. Pruning Shears: for taking care of foliage and branches

  3. Shovel: for soil preparation

  4. Pots & Planters

  5. Irrigation System & Watering Can

  6. Gloves: for protecting your hands

  • Plants Plants
  • Shovels Shovels
  • Pruning Shears Pruning Shears
  • Pots & Planters Pots & Planters
  • Garden Gloves Garden Gloves
  • Carving tools Carving tools
  • Irrigation Programmers Irrigation Programmers
  • Automatic Watering Set Automatic Watering Set
  • Irrigation Hoses Irrigation Hoses
National Gardening Day: tips to become a successful gardener

Plants & Indoor Space

If you don't have enough outdoor space for gardening or if you love plants so much, then you can create an indoor garden. You can choose indoor plants that don't require much water and light, ideally suited for this purpose are succulents, cacti, sansevieria, dieffenbachia, chlorophytum, as well as many others.

Indoor plants bring a note of calmness and renewal to the space, while they can also be an excellent decorative element. Place your plants in impressive pots, on your bookshelf, or even try hanging them to save space. Additionally, even if you choose a plant that requires more light, you can use special grow lights, which emit a spectrum of light that mimics sunlight and helps in the plants' growth.

  • Indoor Plants Indoor Plants
  • Kaspo Kaspo
  • Grow Lights Grow Lights

You have books to read, tutorials to watch

Gardening books are a very enlightening way to get the necessary information, create your action plan or at least be encouraged to start a new hobby.

  • Οικολογική Φροντίδα των Φυτών

    Οικολογική Φροντίδα των Φυτών

    from 9,00 €
  • Κηπολόγιο, Answers to the most common gardening questions

    Κηπολόγιο, Answers to the most common gardening questions

    from 6,00 €
  • Κήπος και βεράντα, Calendar and practical gardening tips

    Κήπος και βεράντα, Calendar and practical gardening tips

    from 17,90 €
  • Το εγχειρίδιο του "τεμπέλη" κηπουρού, ...for a perfect, effortless vegetable garden

    Το εγχειρίδιο του "τεμπέλη" κηπουρού, ...for a perfect, effortless vegetable garden

    from 14,40 €
  • Φυτά Εσωτερικού Χώρου - Οι 3 Κηπουροί

    Φυτά Εσωτερικού Χώρου - Οι 3 Κηπουροί

    2,97 €

Additionally, if you don't want to dive into reading, you can find very useful information and tutorials on social media, such as the following ones that deal with gardening, so you can learn things and get ideas.

  • @migardener (Instagram, YouTube)
  • @epicgardening (Instagram, YouTube)
  • @homesteadbrooklyn (Instagram)
  • @monty.don (Instagram, Twitter)
  • @gardenanswer (Instagram, YouTube)

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