Easter Eggs: Unique designs you must try!

Easter Eggs: Unique designs you must try!

This Easter, don't just paint the eggs red! Decorate them with these original and different ways!

Dyeing Easter eggs is a fun tradition, and not just for kids! Their traditional decoration is the color red, symbolizing the blood of Christ, which is why this process is always done on Holy Thursday, the day of the Crucifixion. However, more and more designs and colors are gradually making their appearance! So we have gathered the best ideas for original Easter eggs that will make a difference!

Wrap them with rubber bands!

The materials you will need are:

  • Rubber bands in various sizes
  • White vinegar
  • Food coloring


  1. Boil the eggs and let them cool.
  2. Once they are ready, wrap them with rubber bands by placing them in the center and moving them one by one to secure points.
  3. In a bowl, mix warm water, 1 tablespoon of white vinegar, and about 10 drops of the desired food coloring.
  4. Place the rubber-banded egg in the dye and let it sit for at least 5 minutes. The longer it sits, the deeper the color will be.
  5. Remove the egg from the dye and let it dry. Then, carefully remove the rubber bands.
Easter Eggs: Unique designs you must try!
  • Colors for Confectionery Colors for Confectionery
  • Eggs Eggs
  • Rubber bands Rubber bands
  • Vinegar Vinegar

Dive into the rice!

The ingredients you will need are the following: 

  • Rice
  • Food coloring
  • Disposable plastic cups
  • Transparent film


  1. Boil the eggs and let them cool down. 
  2. Put rice inside a disposable plastic cup and color it with food coloring.
  3.  Then put the boiled egg inside, cover with plastic wrap and gently shake. If the cup technique seems difficult, you can put the colored rice in a polybag nylon bag and put the egg inside. Rotate it gently so that it gets colored. 
Easter Eggs: Unique designs you must try!
  • Rice Rice
  • Disposable Cups Disposable Cups
  • Membranes Membranes
  • Food Bags Food Bags
  • Colors for Confectionery Colors for Confectionery

Decorate with flowers!

The materials you will need are:

  • Flower petals
  • Food coloring
  • Egg white


  1. To dry the flower petals, press them between the pages of a thick book for 2-3 days.
  2. Boil the eggs and let them cool.
  3. Glue the dried flower petals on the eggs with a little egg white.
Easter Eggs: Unique designs you must try!

Find quickly & easily the eggs you prefer!

Tie-dye with paper towels

The materials you will need are:

  • Paper towels
  • White vinegar
  • Water
  • Food coloring
  • Spray bottle


  1. Boil the eggs and let them cool.
  2. Drop a few drops of food coloring on a paper towel.
  3. Fill the spray bottle with water and vinegar (1 tablespoon vinegar for each cup of water).
  4. Spray the paper towel so that the colors dissolve and mix together.
  5. Wrap each egg with the dyed paper towel, securing it with a rubber band and leave it for 30 seconds to dye well.
  6. Now let the eggs dry on absorbent paper.
Easter Eggs: Unique designs you must try!
  • Paper towels Paper towels
  • White Vinegar White Vinegar
  • Spray Bottles Spray Bottles

Lace for stunning designs

The materials you will need are:

  • Egg dye
  • Elastic bands
  • Lace


  1. Cut the lace into long strips.
  2. Wrap the eggs and secure the lace with an elastic band.
  3. Dye the eggs according to the instructions on the dye packet.
  4. Remove the eggs from the pot, cut the elastic bands, and unfold the lace.
  5. Let them cool.

Easter Eggs: Unique designs you must try!

Place them in the most beautiful egg cups!

  • Marva Easter Egg Cup Glass

    Marva Easter Egg Cup Glass

    5,10 €
  • Easter Egg Cup Metallic 14x20pcs in Beige color

    Easter Egg Cup Metallic 14x20pcs in Beige color

    9,00 €
  • Easter Egg Cup Porcelain 20x20pcs

    Easter Egg Cup Porcelain 20x20pcs

    22,90 €
  • Marva Easter Egg Cup Ceramic

    Marva Easter Egg Cup Ceramic

    from 9,80 €
  • Adorex Easter Egg Cup Wooden

    Adorex Easter Egg Cup Wooden

    8,90 €
  • Bunny's Easter Egg Cup Plastic 33pcs

    Bunny's Easter Egg Cup Plastic 33pcs

    from 2,20 €
  • Eggplant 6 Positions Upright Rabbit 15x20cm Bunny S 932074

    Eggplant 6 Positions Upright Rabbit 15x20cm Bunny S 932074

    11,90 €

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