The invention of frappé!

The invention of frappé!


Just like in the 1940s the bouffant was a symbol of post-war prosperity in America, in the late 1950s frappé becomes a symbol of relaxation in Greece!

LET'S SEE HOW THE MOST IMPORTANT THING AFTER THE WHEEL WAS DISCOVERED! Which of course I doubt that there is anyone who doesn't know the WELL-KNOWN story.

In 1957, at the Thessaloniki International Fair (an annual trade exhibition), an employee of the Greek delegation of Nestlé, Dimitrios Vakondios, wanted to drink his hot instant coffee at some point!

For some reason, there was no hot water available throughout the exhibition (BUT WHEN YOU WANT TO DRINK COFFEE, YOU DRINK IT EVEN WITH POMEGRANATE JUICE), so he made it in a shaker with cold water.

He added coffee, sugar, and water, shook it, and BOOM! Frappé was born and became an international success!

OF COURSE, there is a significant chance that all this is a well-preserved urban myth, as there were already Nestlé advertisements promoting the product "Nescafé Frappé" in newspapers before the 1957 Thessaloniki International Fair.

The dehydration of coffee beans and the production of instant coffee came in the late 1800s, but the concept, LIKE EVERYTHING, needed some time. In 1929, the Great Depression broke out in America. This resulted in (among the THOUSANDS of consequences) a surplus of coffee stocks in Brazil. In order to preserve this coffee, this "dehydration" method was found, and it was time for the world to meet instant coffee!

This may mean that instant coffee naturally existed before, it was just served - either hot or cold - MIXED and not shaken. Thessaloniki introduced the "shaken" factor, which is the essence of Greek Frappe.

Instant coffee was very beneficial for trade because, apart from having a very long shelf life, it is lighter, making it easier and more economical to transport in large quantities, and it is also VERY EASY to prepare.


In Bulgaria, frappé is mainly consumed with Coca-Cola instead of water! (EXTREME!)