Olive Oil: Benefits & Properties

Olive Oil: Benefits & Properties

Olive oil!

The natural oil extracted from the olive fruit.

A product that reminds you of Greece and accompanies all those foods that bring you closer to memories, flavors, and tradition. 

A rich source of healthy monounsaturated fats!

Olive oil is dominated by oleic acid, a type of monounsaturated fatty acid that is promising in reducing inflammation in your body and other beneficial properties.

Also, don't forget that monounsaturated fats are more resistant to moderate temperatures compared to other vegetable oils, making olive oil a healthier choice to use in your recipes.

It has a relatively high smoke point, making it a good choice for many cooking methods such as baking, grilling, frying, and sautéing.

Its antioxidant power!

Extra virgin olive oil contains quantities of vitamins E and K, but the most important thing is that it is rich in powerful antioxidants that can act against oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Its anti-inflammatory properties!

As mentioned above, olive oil can protect you from inflammation based on its antioxidants, such as oleocanthal and oleic acid.

Oleic acid has been shown to reduce inflammation markers such as C-reactive protein (CRP)!

What is inflammation?

Inflammation in your body, especially chronic inflammation, is the cause of diseases such as:

  • Cancer
  • Heart diseases
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Alzheimer's
  • Arthritis
  • Obesity

Olive oil has been studied for its benefits against these diseases. 

Although we would need more data for its certain and immediate effect, especially in the case of Alzheimer's and cancer, the benefits of olive oil are many and undeniable. 

Its role in preventing stroke and heart diseases!

The relationship between olive oil and the occurrence of stroke has been studied by large-scale studies, which show that this oil reduces the risk of stroke and heart diseases.

It has even been shown to reduce blood pressure, one of the risk factors for heart diseases and premature death. 

What to watch out for in managing your weight?

Consuming excessive amounts of any ingredient, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats like olive oil, increases the calories you consume in a day, so it could definitely cause weight gain.

However, studies have shown that not only the Mediterranean diet, rich in olive oil, has a positive effect on body weight, but it is also associated with its loss.

It will help you not only to know the benefits of the foods you eat but also the quantity and frequency you should consume them.

Its antibacterial actions!

Olive oil is rich in many nutrients that can protect you from harmful bacteria.

To be more specific, we are talking about Helicobacter pylori, which is found in the stomach and can be responsible for ulcers and stomach cancer.

Which type of olive oil should you choose?

The answer is one - the extra virgin olive oil!

This type of olive oil is the least processed and the richest in antioxidants and beneficial compounds of olives.

Before buying what the title says, also take a look at the nutritional label on the back.

There are brands that claim their oil is extra virgin, but it may have been diluted with other refined oils, something that will be evident in its ingredients

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