Christmas essential oils for a super festive mood

Christmas essential oils for a super festive mood

The best, easiest, and most relaxing way to make your home smell like Christmas all the time is to drop a few drops of Christmas essential oils in a diffuser... 

Their scent will bring back memories from your childhood... You will be transported back to your childhood home or the village with your grandparents and mentally relive those special moments...

Cinnamon essential oil

Christmas essential oils for a super festive mood

A few drops of cinnamon essential oil fill the house with its wonderful spicy aroma. In just a few minutes, it makes you feel warmth, comfort, and sweetness!

Just like you felt when you were making sweets with your mom…

Just like I feel every time I make one of my favorite desserts, sugar-free upside-down apple pie

Orange Essential Oil

Christmas essential oils for a super festive mood

Its distinctive and fruity aroma gives the space a note of freshness and renewal.

It is the suitable essential oil after a tiring and stressful day at work. It calms you down, relaxes you, and gives you a feeling of relaxation and rejuvenation.

Just like I felt when my grandmother burned orange peels on the stove to clean the house from bad odors...

Clove Essential Oil

Christmas essential oils for a super festive mood

If you are looking for a natural but effective room fragrance, take a large orange and fill its peel with cloves!

If, however, you desire a stronger scent, there is a way…

Add a few drops of clove essential oil to the special device and immediately you will feel warmth, sweetness, and tranquility.

Ginger Essential Oil

Christmas essential oils for a super festive mood

The ginger essential oil (known to all of us as ginger), with its unique, spicy aroma, stimulates the senses and combats melancholy and depression.

This is exactly how I feel every time I secretly eat one of the gingerbread cookies that my mother brings as a gift to her grandchildren…

Pine Essential Oil

Christmas essential oils for a super festive mood

The pine essential oil with its intense, woody aroma creates a feeling of freshness and rejuvenation.

As soon as it diffuses in the space, you feel like you have magically brought all the trees of the forest into your home!

Ethereal oil melomakarono

Christmas essential oils for a super festive mood

The melomakarono essential oil is the most festive Christmas essential oil and the most beloved for me…

It is filled with scents of cinnamon, cloves, vanilla, and biscuits. 

It enhances the feeling of holiday spirit and fills you with sweetness and tranquility, while definitely opening up the appetite for… melomakarona!

Every time I drop a few drops, I travel back in time, to my mother's kitchen and recreate festive sweets with her…

Cinnamon, cloves, orange, ginger, pine, and melomakarono are the most festive Christmas essential oils!

Simply, drop a few drops in the special device and enjoy the calmness and serenity they transmit to you.

Each one of these scents will evoke images from your childhood memories, while definitely enhancing the already festive atmosphere of your home.

Cinnamon, cloves, orange, ginger, pine, and melomakarono…That's how my Christmas smells like! 

How do yours smell like?

Photo credits: Freepik

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