6 + 1 tactics to win (almost always) at Monopoly.

6 + 1 tactics to win (almost always) at Monopoly.

If you belong to the people who always want to win, this guide is for you.

We searched and found the best methods to monopolize the game, dividing them into 3 parts, based on the stage of the game you are in.

Part 1: Beginning of the game 

Tip 1


Be aggressive, buying as many areas as you can! You obviously won't build on all of them, but you will have them as an investment for the next rounds by selling or trading. 

Don't be afraid of the thought that you will run out of money. In the early stages of the game, almost no one has built, so you don't need to pay rent.

6 + 1 tactics to win (almost always) at Monopoly.

Tip 2

Be patient

Take your time! Don't start building from the very first rounds. See which areas everyone has and look for smart trades. Save your money so you can build massively in the next rounds and catch everyone off guard!

Tip 3

The prison bars

If you go to jail in the early rounds, pay and get out immediately! The last thing you want is to wait for a roll while the others are "growing" their fortunes. 

In the later stages of the game, this will change!

6 + 1 tactics to win (almost always) at Monopoly.

Part 2: The Main Part of the Game

Tip 4

Build Smart!

Not all areas are the same, so choose carefully where to build. Between “Go to Jail” and the jail are the most expensive locations in terms of rent, but they have the lowest chance of a player passing through. This happens because there are many ways to go to jail, bypassing these areas.

On the contrary, the orange and red areas are statistically the ones with the highest chances of someone landing on them. Now you know!

Tip 5

Count the Cards

Keep an eye on the cards that have been drawn! If you have a monopoly on an expensive area and the card that sends you there has not been picked yet, we suggest building. It is almost certain that some unlucky player will fall into the trap!

If, on the other hand, it has been drawn, you can trade it, as it has a low chance of steady traffic.

Part 3: Final Rounds

Tip 6:

The Magic Number

Even if you have the money, do not build a hotel unless your opponent is on the brink of bankruptcy. Instead, build 3 houses on each area you have purchased, for 2 main reasons.

First, the number 3 is the number of houses with the best rent/investment return. Second, the houses available in the game are limited! This means that if there is a shortage, your opponents will not be able to build enough, and some may not be able to build at all.

6 + 1 tactics to win (almost always) at Monopoly.

Bonus Tip

Remember what we said about jail at the beginning? Forget it in the final rounds! If you go to jail, stay there as long as you can. At this point in the game, almost everyone will have built. So enjoy your rents without paying any opponent, all from the safety of your cell. 

If you are one of those players who steal from the bank at every opportunity and illegality in Monopoly "runs" through your veins, then the Monopoly Cheaters Edition was made for you!

Choose the version of Monopoly you prefer and defeat acquaintances, friends, and relatives!

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