The first sunglasses in history!

The first sunglasses in history!

In this photo you can see how the FIRST SUNGLASSES were! (crazy aesthetically paradoxically!)

The need to protect our eyes with some kind of "sunglasses" has existed for thousands of years!

The Inuit people (the name of the indigenous peoples of Greenland, Canada, and Alaska) were the first to wear "glasses" made of wood or carved whale bones with small slits to block solar radiation! It may seem strange that it was not a more southern people, but think about the sunburn people would get from the sun reflecting off the white snow and ice!

Around the twelfth century in China, glasses were made from jade (a mineral mainly used in watchmaking!). Although they blocked the sun's rays, they were mainly intended for Chinese judges! They wore them so that their expressions would not be visible during trials! #POKERFACE

Sunglasses became more widespread in the early 1920s and were mainly worn by Hollywood stars!

Generally, the lenses of sunglasses are usually dark in color to slightly reduce the intense light before it reaches our eyes, and they are made of special materials to reflect ultraviolet radiation! The color of the lenses is usually a dark brown (or green or gray) because these colors distort the colors around us less when we wear glasses! Mass production of sunglasses FINALLY for the rest of the world began in the late 1920s by the brand of American Sam Foster!

THIS IS JUST 100 YEARS AGO. And we are simply talking about sunglasses!

This SUPER useful invention was left behind because before sunglasses, people protected themselves from the sun either with large hats or umbrellas!


It is said that in the USA, every 14 minutes someone loses, breaks, or sits on their sunglasses AND I FEEL THAT I, TOO, FROM GREECE, HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THIS PERCENTAGE. Elton John has one of the largest collections of sunglasses in the world! (over 250,000 pairs!)